Undergraduate Scholarships
Each year, 29 undergraduate scholarships are awarded to students who are pursuing studies in field related to grain and grain marketing. The awards are divided between third-and fourth-year students, with a total of five awards going to the University of Alberta, four awards going to the University of Lethbridge, 13 awards going to the University of Saskatchewan and seven awards going to the University of Manitoba.
Third-year scholarships are worth $1,500 and fourth-year scholarships are worth $1,750. Students receiving a scholarship in their third year and maintaining high academic standards in that year may reapply for the fourth-year awards.
For more information, contact:
University of Manitoba: Wendy Kramer (204) 474-6066
University of Saskatchewan: Karen Hughes (306) 966-4062
University of Alberta: Meilin Liu 1-800-804-6417 or 780-492-4586
University of Lethbridge: Becky Lore (403) 329-2585
