Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Canada Asia-Pacific Awards

This award will support scholars in universities or research institutes in the Asia-Pacific Region to undertake short term research, including collaborative research, contributing to the understanding of bilateral and multilateral relations between Canada and the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region. The award will assist with direct costs related to the research project, and, when a research trip to Canada is warranted, will provide assistance towards international airfare and a weekly flat rate allowance for a period not exceeding five weeks.
Awards may be granted for:

  1. Research projects related to Canada and Asia-Pacific relations, either with the region as a whole, or any part thereof. Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development and Prosperity, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security.
  2. Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary studies; or
  3. Comparative studies with substantial Canadian content (33% or more);

Priority may be given to projects, which relate Canada’s foreign policy; or contemporary situations and issues which illuminate options for future developments; or which focus on Canada’s bilateral relations.

(Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc. which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).


Awards will be available to scholars and researchers from all countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Applications are to be submitted by the designated principal researcher, with the official endorsement of his/her institution.

Applicants must:

  1. be full-time members of the academic staff of a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institution in the Asia-Pacific Region, or scholars at research and policy planning institutes who undertake significant Canadian bilateral and/or multilateral relations research projects;
  2. hold a degree equivalent to a Master's or better;
  3. have a working knowledge of either English or French.

In addition, while not mandatory, applicants should provide evidence of their interest in or involvement with Canada prior to the application. This may be demonstrated by courses they have already given, research they have undertaken, extra-mural activities, or membership in an Association for Canadian Studies in their region or country. Preference may also be given to projects that will involve more than one country.

Value of Awards

The Canada-Asia-Pacific Award will consist of a grant in the amount of up to CDN $10,000, based on the analysis of the proposed budget needed to do the research. More than one award may be offered annually. Successful candidates will not be able to make a new application until they demonstrate that they have fulfilled the terms and conditions of their previous award.

Further information can be found at this link

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program

A Vanier CGS is valued at $50,000 per year for up to three years.

Canada is building world-class research capacity by recruiting top-tier doctoral students, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to our economic, social and research-based growth for a prosperous future. To promote this world-class excellence, the Government of Canada has created the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program. Once in full operation, this program will support 500 international and Canadian doctoral students with highly prestigious scholarships.

The Vanier CGS program reaffirms Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and education. The program supports Canada’s science and technology policy direction, which capitalizes on people, strengthens knowledge and encourages entrepreneurial advantages to build a competitive Canada.

The scholarships are administered by Canada's three federal granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

The Vanier CGS program aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health. Canadian and international students are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier CGS.

Students wishing to apply for a Vanier CGS must do so through the Canadian university to which they are applying for doctoral studies. Based on their allocations, universities will forward a limited number of nominations to the appropriate federal research granting agency— CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC.

Deadline for 2009 is November 6, 2009.

For more information please click on the following link.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Evelyn Sweezey Scholarship, St. Thomas University

Valued at $4,500 per annum for a total value of $18,000 over four years. Students must maintain a minimum annual average of 3.5 on 30 credit hours. Open to top-ranking students entering first year. Academic excellence will be the sole basis of selection.

Selection Criteria

Our entrance award programme is highly competitive and open to students with high academic
standing. Canadian and international candidates admitted on the basis of their high school records to the first year of full-time study on the St. Thomas campus are eligible to apply for entrance awards. Normally, applicants with previous university experience are ineligible for entrance scholarships.

In selecting entrance scholarship recipients, academic record is the primary criteria. The selection committee considers admission average, Grade 12 programme (courses and level of difficulty) and rank in graduating class as well as programme and performance in Grade 11. Other factors considered include letters of academic reference and scores on standardized tests including provincial achievement examinations, SATs, etc. In addition to the academic selection criteria, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities and financial need are considered in awarding some scholarships.

Application Procedure

Scholarship candidates should submit a completed scholarship application form with supplementary documents. Scholarship application forms are available from the Admissions Office, in high school guidance centres or (for high school applicants) at Entrance Scholarship Application.

A letter of reference which comments on scholastic, co-curricular and extracurricular accomplishments is required. On the scholarship application form candidates must provide information about rank in graduating class, academic honours, other awards and accomplishments, extracurricular and community activities, and any leadership positions held. To be considered for awards with other special selection criteria, candidates should also address qualifications for these awards on the scholarship application form. For example, financial need is a criterion for some major awards. Candidates for these awards should provide details on their financial status as indicated on the scholarship application form.

For more info, visit St. Thomas University's website.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trek Excellence Scholarship, University of British Columbia

Two Trek Excellence Scholarships (TES) are available for international students:
  1. $4,000 awards: these awards are given to international students who rank in the top 5% of students in each undergraduate year of each faculty and school
  2. $1,000 awards: these awards are given to international students who rank in the top 5% to 10% of students in each undergraduate year of each faculty and school

Eligibility criteria for all students

Each year the Trek Excellence Scholarship eligibility will be evaluated based on grades from the previous year. This is not a renewable scholarship, and no application is required.
  • Students must have registered in at least 27 credits for the previous year.
  • The average will be based on the best 27 credits.
  • Audited, wait-listed, and summer courses do not count towards these limits.
  • No failed courses are permitted.
  • There are additional steps needed to qualify for students on co-op and exchange.

Students who are enrolled in a post-baccalaureate professional degree program such as Medicine, Dentistry, Law and Education (except NITEP) are not eligible. Students registered in these degrees, however, do qualify for substantial faculty-recommended scholarships.

Accenture Scholarship, University of Toronto

Accenture Scholarship

Level of Study: Undergraduate
  • Must be enrolled in an Engineering, Computer Science or Bachelor of Commerce Degree
  • Open to students in their final year of study
  • Have maintained a strong academic background - minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Actively involved in two or more extracurricular activities: eg. Professional or social organizations, organized sports teams or activities, continued active involvement demonstrating commitment is required
Award Value: $1500

Payable: January 2010


Completed applications should be submitted to:

Admissions and Awards
315 Bloor Street West
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A3

Get an Application (pdf file)

Deadline: October 2, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Imperial Oil Entrance to Instrumentation Scholarship, NAIT

Imperial Oil Entrance to Instrumentation Scholarship

Value: $2,500.00
Number Of Awards: 1
Available to students entering the first year of the Instrumentation Engineering Technology program. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement in High School or upgrading courses. The selected recipients will receive an additional $2,500 upon successfully entering year two.

Deadline: Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spec. Instruction:
Application: Available online at

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The JR Shaw Honorary Diploma Scholarship, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

Value: $1,000.00
Number Of Awards: 1
Criteria:Available to students entering the Bachelor of Business Administration or the Bachelor of Technology in Technology Management programs. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement upon entrance into the program. Preference will be given to students returning to school after being in the workforce for 1 or more years.
Deadline: Monday, August 30, 2010

Spec. Instruction:
Application: Available online at

Friday, August 7, 2009

SaskTel Scholarships

Scholarship Value: $3,000
Awards Available: 8
Award Deadline: September 1, 2009

Every year, SaskTel awards eight scholarships of $3,000 to students attending post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan who are studying in a field directly related to telecommunications.


1. Be Saskatchewan residents (defined by eligibility for Saskatchewan Health Services)

2. Be enrolled or plan to enroll in full-time studies (for a minimum of eight months) at a post-secondary educational institution in Saskatchewan. *

3. Be enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program directly related to telecommunications. Programs include, but are not limited to, the following: Computer Science, Engineering (i.e. electrical, electronic or telecommunications), Accounting and Business Administration.

4. Have achieved a minimum 75 per cent grade average in their most recent educational standing.

SaskTel specifically encourages Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities (non-Caucasians), and women interested in non-traditional careers to apply.

Deadline for scholarship applications is September 30th. Please note that Scholarship applications are not retained past the award year.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Health Careers Scholarship Program

Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 5
Award Deadline: April 1, 2010

The Health Careers Scholarship Program was started in May 1976. It is supported through individual contributions of the Order's members. Since there is no set budget, the number of scholarships available may vary from year to year.

Students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physical or occupational therapy, and medical technologies are eligible to apply. A student must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen, enrolled full time in a school accredited in the field involved and application must be for at least the third year of college. R.N. students must have completed the first year of schooling. Pre-med students are not eligible to apply. For those students seeking degrees of M.D. or D.D.S. application must be for at least the second year of medical or dental school. There is no age limit. Scholarships are for $1000.00.

Requests for applications must include a stamped, self-addressed legal size envelope. Deadline for applications: must be postmarked no later than April 1st.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yanmar/SAE Scholarship

This scholarship is sponsored by the SAE Foundation and through the generous support of the Yanmar America Corporation. Yanmar is the world's largest manufacturer of non-vehicle-use diesel engines. After more than half a century of producing and distributing diesel engines, Yanmar is now deeply committed to all aspects of agriculture, marine transportation, construction and general manufacturing industries. With the motto "to conserve energy is to serve mankind," Yanmar founder Magokichi Yamaoka was quick to recognize the value of the diesel engine over the kerosene engines which Yanmar originally built. Given the urgency of limited fuel supplies and environmental concerns over continued use of fossil fuel, Yanmar established this scholarship to help promote their philosophy.

Student Eligibility Requirements:

* Citizen of U.S., Canada or Mexico (not permanent resident).
* Full-time college junior or post-graduate student.
* Pursue an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program
* Pursue course of study or research related to the conservation of energy in transportation, agriculture & construction, and power generation. Emphasis will be placed on research or study related to the internal combustion engine.
* Applications will be judged on the basis of previous scholastic performance.
* Additional consideration given for special study or honors in the field of the award, and for leadership achievement related to engineering or science.

Terms of Scholarship:

* One scholarship will be awarded each year for $1,000 per year.
* Scholarship may be renewed at $1,000 a year for one additional years (total award $2,000).

Application Deadline: February 15

How to Apply:

* Begin the application process online.
* If you are qualified, you will be prompted to continue the process and submit the following:
o Official copy of your college transcript and high school transcript
o SAT/ACT scores
* All in information must be submitted by February 15.

Selection and Announcement of Recipient:

* Recipient will be selected by the SAE Scholarship Committee and notified by the end of June.
* Applicants not selected will be notified by the end of July.

Payment of Scholarship Funds:

* This scholarship will be paid into your account at your selected university in July/August.
* It can be used for tuition or any other incidental school expenses.

Terms for Renewal of Scholarship:

* May be renewed for $1,000 per year for one additional year.
* Must maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
* Remain in good standing at the college or university.
* Complete the Scholarship renewal form.

Prior Recipients

Questions can be directed to:

SAE Scholarships and Loans Program
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096 USA

Monday, July 27, 2009

Research Based Programs Scholarships, University of Windsor

At University of Windsor, students entering research-based programs with averages over 80% (or equivalent) will receive a scholarship valued at $6,000 per year. In addition, international students whose cumulative average is equivalent to 85% or better will receive a supplemental $4,380 per year.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The S C Johnson & Son Scholarship Fund, Wilfried Laurier University

The S C Johnson & Son Scholarship Fund
Value: up to $2,500
Application Required: Yes - Go to application
Deadline: 14 August 2009
Budget Required: Yes - Go to Financial Statement
Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate students entering Year 1 at Laurier Brantford; high academic achievement (preferably an "A" average [minimum 85 percent] in best six Grade 12 U and/or Grade 12 M courses or Ontario Academic Credits [OACs]); involvement in school, community or volunteer events; where all conditions are equal, proven financial need will be considered; students who have been awarded "S C Johnson Employee Family Scholarship" (Sons & Daughters Scholarship) are ineligible for this award
Description: Endowed award; supported by S C Johnson and Son Ltd; four awards may be granted annually

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Richard Ivey School of Business, Tenured Positions

The Richard Ivey School of Business seeks candidates for 1-2 positions at the rank of tenured Associate Professor, tenured Professor or tenure-track Assistant Professor in International Business. These positions are available to begin July 2010. Candidates for a tenured appointment should have a Ph.D. or be very close to completion. The successful candidates will have demonstrated a strong commitment to the practice of management in both research and teaching. The ability to teach International Business courses is essential. The successful candidates’ teaching/research may be in International strategy, International Marketing, International Supply Chain Management, Cross-Cultural Management or other International sub-disciplines. A strong and active research record in the international business area is required. Teaching experience is highly valued. We will also consider outstanding candidates for Limited Term and Visiting appointments.

The Richard Ivey School of Business is Canada’s premier business school and is recognized worldwide for the quality of its management education and research. The School’s major activities include: a highly regarded MBA program and undergraduate program; a well established doctoral program active in most major areas of management; as well as an expanding portfolio of programs for executives, including an expanding Executive MBA delivered in Canada and Hong Kong. The School is internationally oriented in terms of curricula, research, faculty, and student exchanges.

The position is subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Western Ontario is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.

Submission deadline is November 30, 2009, although applications will be accepted until the position has been filled.

For information on how to apply, please visit our website at

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dr John and Mrs Helmi Marquis Scholarship Fund, Wilfried Laurier University,

Name: Dr John and Mrs Helmi Marquis Scholarship Fund
Value: up to $3,500
Application Required: Yes - Go to application
Deadline: 14 August 2009
Budget Required: Yes
Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate students entering Year 1 at Laurier Brantford; minimum B+ (77-79 percent) average in best six Grade 12 U and/or Grade 12 M courses or Ontario Academic Credits (OACs); proven financial need
Description:Endowed award

Monday, July 6, 2009

ConocoPhillips Canada - J C Phillips Awards, MBA Program, Wilfried Laurier University

Name: ConocoPhillips Canada - J C Phillips Awards
Value: up to $1,200
Application Required: No
Budget Required: No
Eligibility: Full-time graduate students entering the MBA program
Description: Endowed award; established by Gulf Canada Ltd (now ConocoPhillips Canada) in memory of J C Phillips (LLD); two scholarships are granted annually

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Access Communications/Fred Wagman Entrance Scholarships

Access Communications/Fred Wagman Entrance Scholarships
Deadline: n/a
Donor: Access Communications Co-operative Ltd
Value: $1000
Number of scholarships: 2
Field(s) of Study: Entrance Awards
Year(s) Study: 1
Minimum Credit Hours: 15
Criteria: The scholarships shall be awarded to an outstanding student entering either the Faculty of Fine Arts for the Bachelor or Fine Arts program in Film and Video production or the Bachelor of Arts in Film or Video Studies. The awards will be made for the Fall semester to a student who has applied directly from high school and is registered for a minimum of 15 credit hours. Selection based on academic achievement in high school.
Contact details: Faculty of Fine Arts
University of Regina
Room 267 Dr. William Riddell Centre
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-5570; fax 306-585-5544


Application Details: No Application necessary

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The JCA Past Presidents’ Scholarship, Jamaican Canadian Association

The JCA Past Presidents’ Scholarship ($1000)
Sponsored by six (6) former presidents of the Jamaican Canadian Association to gifted but needy young persons, who themselves or their parents/guardians are members of the JCA. This scholarship is intended to encourage and reward early active youth community involvement.

An applicant for this scholarship:

1. Must have been accepted in the first year of a university of college;

2. Must be in need of financial assistance;

3. Should submit with the application a minimum 200-word statement indicating career aspirations, life goals and why he/she should be selected

4. Must be a current youth member of the JCA; child or other relative of a current JCA member;

5. Must have been actively engaged with the JCA Youth Committee, Saturday Morning Tutorial Program or other JCA or community sponsored youth-oriented programs.

Additional Requirements for all Scholarships

1. An application must include an original or copy of the most recent university/college transcript or report card from the last semester of high school verifying academic performance.

2. A two-page double-spaced essay describing the applicant’s academic and career goals. This should include how local community/campus activities in which the applicant is involved will enhance these goals.

3. Two letters of recommendation as character references and descriptions of performance, potential as a student, leader, and employee or volunteer must be submitted with each application.

4. Two passport size photographs. These photographs become the property of the JCA and may be used for its purposes.

Selection Criteria

Based on the following criteria, one individual will be selected for each Scholarship by an established JCA Scholarship Selection Committee:

1. Demonstrated scholastic ability

2. Applicant’s response to the essay questions

3. Involvement and leadership in community/campus activities

4. Significant personal achievements beyond scholastic ability which may include personal accomplishments in spite if adversity

5. References

6. Commitment to career goals

7. Successful candidates will receive only one scholarship.

The decison of the Selection Committee is final.
Application Forms are available from:

The Jamaican Canadian Association Center
995 Arrow Road, Toronto M9M 2Z5
The JCA website ( )

Various Universities/Colleges

Completed applications must be submitted to the JCA Center on or before July 24, 2009.

The JCA is a Membership / Social Service Agency serving the Black and Caribbean Community; providing Cultural Integration & Settlement to New Immigrants, Advocacy, Crisis Intervention, Youth and Family Services, Counselling to Women who are Survivors of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault and Employment Preparation for Experienced Workers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Scholarship

The CTAA Scholarship is funded by the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association to support students preparing for careers as scientists, technologists or engineers in the general area of asphalt paving technology.

Eligibility Requirements:

The CTAA Scholarship will be presented to a student who has been admitted into, or is currently enrolled in, a technical college or a university program leading to either a diploma or degree in one of the fields of study noted below.

Fields of Study:

In order to be eligible for consideration, the applicant must be formally enrolled in a diploma or degree program, which contributes to advances in any facet of asphalt technology. Eligible fields of study include chemistry, chemical engineering, and civil engineering. Other areas of study may be considered provided the applicant clearly notes the relevance of his/her curriculum towards asphalt technology.


A $2500 scholarship award will be made directly to the recipient upon selection by CTAA.

Application Process:

In order to be considered for the annual CTAA Scholarship the following materials must be received by the CTAA office no later than July 1st. Information received after this deadline will not be considered in the scholarship review process.

  1. Completed scholarship form

  2. Applicant's resume

  3. Current academic transcripts

  4. Applicant's statement (500 words or less) as to why he/she should receive the CTAA Scholarship.

  5. Three reference letters as noted below:

a. A letter of reference from the applicant's program advisor
b. Two other reference letters from individuals knowledgeable in the technical/academic qualifications of the applicant, preferably CTAA members.
The letters must be sent directly to the CTAA office.

Selection Process:

The schedule shown below will be followed for the award selection process:

  1. July 1st- Complete application form and all supporting information received at CTAA office.

  2. July 1st to August 1st - Applications reviewed by CTAA Board of Directors

  3. August 15th - Selection of recipient and formal notification by CTAA

Friday, June 26, 2009

Barkley's of Avonmore Bursary, Wilfried Laurier University

Name: Barkley's of Avonmore Bursary
Value: up to $150
Application Required: No
Budget Required: No
Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate students; preference will be given to students from third world countries; satisfactory academic standing; proven financial need; no application required, awarded through the general international undergraduate tuition bursary program
Description: Endowed bursary

Thursday, June 25, 2009


WILSON HEAVISIDE MEMORIAL ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP - was established by Mrs. Patricia Heaviside Todd and Dr. Norman Todd in memory of Mrs. Todd's father, Sgt Heaviside who was killed at the Battle of Dunkirk in May 1940.

AMOUNT: $500

AVAILABLE TO: This award will be presented to an outstanding student who has demonstrated exceptional scholarship and writing ability, especially as it pertains to his or her studies in American literature.

STIPULATIONS: Special consideration will be given to a student who is direct descendant of a person who served in World War II.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: The student will be recommended by the instructor.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

University of Windsor, Entrance Scholarships - Engineering

Windsor Green Engineering Scholarship. Up to 4 scholarships valued up to $12,000 over 4 years awarded annually to full-time students who have chosen Environmental Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Environmental option) as their first choice. Candidates must have at least an 80% overall entry average.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One World International Scholarship, British Columbia, Canada

The One World International Scholarship is designed to strengthen ties between British Columbia and other regions of the world through sustainable educational partnerships. Every two years, the Irving K. Barber BC Scholarship Society reviews the country or region of the world to be the recipient of the One World Scholarship.

For the 2008/09 and the 2009/10 academic years, the scholarship will be available to students from the People's Republic of China (PRC) who are enrolling in an undergraduate or diploma/certificate program in a public post-secondary educational institution in BC.

Completed applications and supporting documentation must be received in the financial aid office at the institution you are applying to no later than April 1.

Please consult your institution's One World rep with any questions on this scholarship program.

In 2009, 4 scholarships will be available under this program.

Complete info can be found here.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jessie L. Richardson & Sid Williams Memorial Scholarships, Theatres BC

Each spring, Theatre BC invites applications for its two annual $1,000 scholarships named for two of Theatre BC's most fondly remembered pioneers who dedicated much of their lives to community theatre in British Columbia. Applicants must have been accepted by a recognized Canadian Theatre School or post-secondary theatre department. Grade 12 students are also invited to apply, stating the school to which they have applied. Applicants, or their parent(s), must be current members of Theatre BC. Recipients will be announced at the MAINSTAGE Awards Ceremony.

To apply for either the Jessie L. Richardson Scholarship or the Sid Williams Memorial Scholarship (presented in conjunction with Courtenay Little Theatre) fill out and mail out this form. Click here to download application form.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Dean's Student Leadership Award, St. George Campus, University of Toronto

The Dean's Student Leadership Award recognizes an Arts and Science student who has played a significant leadership role in his or her extracurricular activities and in so doing has had a demonstrable impact on improving the quality of student experience at the University of Toronto. Such work could include, but is not limited to, launching mentorship or community outreach programs and organizing social and cultural events, educational forums, workshops and lectures.

Eligibility Criteria: Any undergraduate or graduate student, currently enrolled in a degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George campus, who has:

  • Provided an opportunity for U of T students to become engaged in improving the quality of life for those within or beyond the University.
  • Furthered our education mission by promoting civil discourse and informed dialogue.
  • Supported our international character by encouraging cross-cultural understanding.
  • Contributed to the variety and richness of the Faculty’s diversity through cultural events and social programming.
  • Demonstrated leadership in the organization and running of recreational clubs and programs.

Value: $500

Nominations: All components of the nomination (nomination letter, letters of support, etc.) must be submitted together. Incomplete nominations will not be considered. Nominations must include the current mailing address of the nominee and the following:

  • Cover sheet: The application must include the summary and contact information sheet.
  • A nomination can be made by U of T students, faculty, administrative staff (e.g., college registrar staff, graduate/undergraduate administrator), or alumni.
  • The nomination letter must clearly state the nominee's merits as outlined in the general criteria.
  • In addition to the nomination letter, at least two letters of support (maximum three) for the nomination from students, faculty, adminsitrative staff (e.g. college registrar staff, graduate/undergraduate administrator) or alumni must be provided; at least one of these must be from a University of Toronto faculty or administrative staff member.

    Submit nominations to:
    Faculty of Arts and Science Student Awards Committee
    c/o Lanor Mallon, Manager, Faculty Governance and Curriculum
    Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1006
    Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3

Deadline: December 15 at 5:00 p.m. – Late submissions will not be accepted.

The award recipient will be notified by mail by end of January.

Entrance Scholarships, Nipissing University

International students entering the first year of a degree program at Nipissing University as full-time students will be considered automatically for the following entrance scholarships based on their best grades used for admission as long as an application for admission is received by April 1. Conditional offers of scholarships will go out with offers of admission. Scholarship eligibility will be reviewed once final grades are available.




Carl Sanders Scholarship



Carl Sanders Scholarship



Thursday, June 18, 2009

BONG Pang Yee Scholarship, University of British Columbia

Scholarship ID 3770

Scholarships totalling $4,500 have been endowed in memory of Bong Pang Yee by his granddaughters, representing the Chow and Chang Families, for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Eberts Mills MCKECHNIE Scholarship, University of British Columbia

Scholarship ID: 1148

This scholarship of $350, established through a bequest from the late Chancellor R. E. McKechnie, is awarded on the recommendation of the Department of History to the undergraduate entering the final year who is considered to be the most deserving and meritorious student in the field of History.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Associate Professor Position, Economics, SFU

The Department of Economics at Simon Fraser University seeks to fill one position either at the senior assistant professor level (tenure track) or at the associate professor level (with tenure). The expected starting date is September 1, 2010 and the position is subject to budgetary approval and approval by the Board of Governors. The Department has a special interest in candidates with a strong empirical focus in applied fields, but strong candidates in every field will be given serious consideration. Excellence in research and teaching are the primary criteria for this position. Applicants must hold a PhD degree and be well qualified to teach at the PhD level although teaching at all levels is expected.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Simon Fraser University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.

Applications must include a c.v., three confidential reference letters, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and samples of research papers. Application instructions are available on our website. Deadline for application is September 30, 2009. The position will remain open after this date until it is filled. Direct email inquiries to

Under the authority of the University Act, personal information that is required by the University for academic appointment competition will be collected.

Simon Fraser University India Entrance Scholarship

India Entrance Scholarship

SFU's India Entrance Scholarship is targeted to high school students graduating from a secondary educational institution in India with the highest academic performance. Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students are eligible for this award. Up to a maximum of three scholarships are awarded annually every Fall term. The total value of each scholarship is $10,000 divided into two equal installments of $5,000 each.

Awards will be granted on the basis of demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following:

  • academic achievement
  • community service
  • cultural contribution

Students must apply for this award by May 31.

Click here for the application form.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Canada-U.S. Fulbright Student Awards

Canada-U.S. Fulbright Student Awards are intended for Canadian and American graduate students and junior professionals who wish to enrol in a graduate studies program or continue their current course of graduate study and/or research at a university or research centre in the United States or Canada, respectively.

Masters students, Ph.D. candidates, graduating seniors and professionals of all ages are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates must have completed a bachelor�s degree prior to taking up their Fulbright award. Applicants who will have received a PhD by December 31, 2009 should complete the application form for scholars.

Canada-U.S. Fulbright awards offer a unique opportunity to explore important contemporary issues relevant to Canada and the United States and the relationship between the two countries. While the competition is officially field open,applications in the following areas are given preference:

* comparative public policy

* international trade

* North American integration

* security

* communications and culture

* ecology and the environment

* indigenous issues

* law

* border issues

* public health

* Canada-U.S. relations

* Canadian and American studies

Deadlines: November 16 for Canadian applicants

October 20 for American applicants

(Please note that American applicants who are currently enroled at an American institution of higher education should contact their Fulbright Program Advisor regarding on-campus deadlines.)

* Canadian or American citizen at time of application (permanent resident status / landed immigrant status are not sufficient)
* English language proficiency
* Received a bachelor's degree prior to proposed grant start date

You are not eligible for a Canada-U.S. Fulbright Award if:

* You currently hold permanent residency status in the intended host country
* You are currently residing in or enrolled at a university in the intended host country
* You have resided abroad for five or more consecutive years in the six year period immediately preceding the date of application
* You have received a previous Fulbright Student Award
* You are a Canadian applicant and you are a dual citizen of Canada and the United States

Preference will be given to qualified candidates who have not had substantial recent experience in the intended host country. Recent substantial experience is defined as study, teaching, research, employment or residency for a period of more than an academic year (nine months) during the past five years.

Please note that Canadian Fulbright Award recipients must enter the United States on a J-1 visa under the Exchange Visitor Program. Grantees must meet current J-1 visa requirements, including the return residency requirement. Accordingly, grantees are required to leave the United States for at least two years at the conclusion of their award.

Formal Enrolment Awards are intended for Canadians and Americans who plan to enrol in a graduate program at a university in the United States or Canada, respectively. Applications for acceptance into American or Canadian graduate programs should coincide with your application to the Fulbright program.

Research Awards are intended for students enrolled in a graduate program at a Canadian or American university who wish to conduct research at a host institution in the United States or Canada, respectively, for one academic year. Students may also engage in course work at their host institution.

Independent Research Awards are intended for researchers who have completed an undergraduate degree at a recognized university and who wish to pursue one year of independent research in Canada or the United States. Students must, however, be affiliated with an institution in their host country.

Please note that all award recipients must be affiliated with an institution in the host country and are responsible for securing such affiliation. Applicants are encouraged to establish an affiliation with the intended host institution at an early stage. Candidates applying in the Formal Enrolment Award category must be accepted or anticipating acceptance into a graduate program.

Fulbright scholarships are granted for periods of nine months. The award is a fixed sum US$15,000 for one nine-month academic year beginning in September. Grantees are expected to use the award to cover necessary expenses such as housing, travel, school fees and other academic expenditures. Basic health insurance is also provided, along with visa services. Fulbright enrichment opportunities are also available on a competitive basis.

All awards are subject to available funding, approval by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), and compliance with FSB guidelines.

American Applicants
For detailed application instructions, American citizens are advised to contact their on-campus Fulbright advisor or the Institute of International Education. The final deadline for application is October 20, however applications must be submitted to the Fulbright Program Advisor as per on-campus deadlines.

Canadian Applicants
Detailed application instructions may be found within the application package itself, which is available electronically below. Completed applications should be returned to the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program as soon as possible. Applications and supporting documents must be post-marked no later than November 16, 2009 in order to be considered for the awards to be taken up in September 2010.

Applications forms can be found here.

Canadian Wheat Board Scholarships

Undergraduate Scholarships

Each year, 29 undergraduate scholarships are awarded to students who are pursuing studies in field related to grain and grain marketing. The awards are divided between third-and fourth-year students, with a total of five awards going to the University of Alberta, four awards going to the University of Lethbridge, 13 awards going to the University of Saskatchewan and seven awards going to the University of Manitoba.

Third-year scholarships are worth $1,500 and fourth-year scholarships are worth $1,750. Students receiving a scholarship in their third year and maintaining high academic standards in that year may reapply for the fourth-year awards.

For more information, contact:

University of Manitoba: Wendy Kramer (204) 474-6066
University of Saskatchewan: Karen Hughes (306) 966-4062
University of Alberta: Meilin Liu 1-800-804-6417 or 780-492-4586
University of Lethbridge: Becky Lore (403) 329-2585

Monday, June 15, 2009


1. The Bert Henry Memorial Graduate Scholarship is valued at $18,000 per annum. One scholarship is awarded per year, conditional on available funding.
2. To be eligible to apply, a student must hold a Master's degree, or be in the process of completing a Master's degree, and must be planning to enter a Ph.D. program at Simon Fraser University..
3. The criteria for this award are high academic performance and potential for significant contribution to the recipient's field of study.
4. Tenure of the award is for one year (three consecutive semesters) commencing in the following Summer, Fall, or Spring semester.
5. During tenure of the award, the recipient must be registered full-time in a Ph.D. program at Simon Fraser University. In programs where fees are assessed on a per-credit basis, students must be taking at least six credits to be eligible to hold the award. If a recipient wishes to register "on-leave" or "part-time" for one semester, a deferment of the scholarship should be requested by writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Permission will be granted in exceptional circumstances only.
6. The Henry Scholarship recipient may accept other scholarship support from external sources and/or from awards administered by S.F.U. If the total of the Henry Scholarship and the other support exceeds $50,000 per annum, the value of the Henry Scholarship will be reduced so that the total equals $50,000. Applicants for the Henry Scholarship are encouraged to apply for awards for which they are eligible.
7. There is no restriction on Henry Scholarship recipients receiving income for work during tenure of the scholarship. Recipients should be aware that some external awards may restrict students from holding a scholarship at the same time as the external award.
8. All entering students are eligible for consideration. However, students will be nominated by the Graduate Program Chair of the academic unit to which the student will be admitted.
9. Nominations from the Graduate Program Chair must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies by January 30th.
10. The award is made by the Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee after a Universitywide competition in which departmental nominations are considered.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Universal Entrance Scholarship - $1,000.00, St. Clair College

Beginning in 2008/09, St. Clair College is proud to introduce new scholarships for international students. The Universal Entrance Scholarship will be awarded to newly enrolled International students in post secondary programs. A $500.00 tuition reimbursement payment will be made at the end of the student’s first and third semester. Students must maintain full-time academic status and a minimum GPA of 2.5.

You will be automatically considered for the scholarship when you enrolled.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BBM Canada Scholarships $4000 Cash

How to qualify:

 The student must be enrolled in a graduate studies
program, or be in the final year of an Honours degree
with the intention of entering a graduate program,
anywhere in Canada.

 The student should submit a 250 word essay, outlining
his/her interest and a potential career path in
measurement of electronic media and related
consumer behaviours. Studies could be in statistics,
social research, computer applications, marketing, or
other fields that lead to measurement of electronic
media audiences. The student may also submit a copy
of any course project or paper on research he/she has
previously completed.

 The student should attach to his/her application three
(3) references/recommendations from appropriate
sources. One (1) must be from his/her course director or

How you will be judged:

You will have demonstrated achievement in and
knowledge of statistical and/or quantitative research
methodology in a course of study at a Canadian
university or post secondary institution.

 Your 250 word essay outlining your interest and
thoughts on audience research will be considered very
important by the judges.

 Your recommendations, particularly from your course
director, will also carry significant weight in the judging

 The judges will also consider the part the scholarship
will play in the further education of the recipient.
 The judges’ decision will be final.

What the winner will receive:

 $4,000.00 cash
 A commemorative certificate

Deadline June 30, 2009

Click here for more info

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Instructor - Part Time - Arts and Entertainment Management Department, Capilano University

Great opportunity for former TAs, RAs or anybody looking for a part time teaching position!

Qualifications required:

MFA in Arts Management, or equivalent
Extensive knowledge of and contacts in the arts and cultural sector in the local community
Current involvement in the industry
Post-secondary teaching experience

Closing Date: June 12, 2009 at 4:00 p.m

Click here for complete info!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Scholarships for Ukrainian Students

Sponsored by: This bursary was created in 2003 by a $500,000 endowment from the Department of Advanced Education in support of the ministry's international education strategy.

Purpose: To recognize the accomplishments of intern, co-op, practicum, apprenticeship, and research students.

Value: Five awards at $5,000 each.

Eligibility: The applicant must be a post-secondary student or an apprenticeship student taking a practicum, internship, co-op, apprenticeship program, or a student conducting research (one-term).

Selection: The recipient will be selected based on demonstrated past accomplishments and potential for improving relations between Ukraine and Alberta.

A committee comprised of four members, representing the Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre from Grant MacEwan College, the Ukrainian Foundation For College Education, and one other member representing Ukrainian interests in Alberta, will review the transcripts and applications of all applicants and determine which students will receive the awards.

The committee will attempt to balance awards among different programs. The full-time enrollment of the student will be confirmed prior to the award being issued.

Click this link to obtain the application form

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

President's Scholarship of Distinction - Entrance Scholarship, University of Waterloo

If you meet the conditions outlined below, you’ll be awarded a University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship of Distinction valued at $2,000 and a $1,500 International Experience Award and/or a $1,500 Research Award.

Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 95% or higher for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an Offer of Admission.

You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.

You must be enrolled at UW in full-time studies (minimum 2.5 course units) for the entire fall 2009 term.

To remain eligible for the full value of the scholarship, you must
  • be admitted to full-time, first-year degree studies at UW for fall 2009
  • be starting post-secondary studies in a degree program for the first time in fall 2009
  • remain enrolled in full-time studies (minimum 2.5 course units) at UW for the full 4-month fall term

Note: This scholarship program pertains to admission to the University of Waterloo only and is not applicable at Renison College or St. Jerome’s University, who offer their own scholarships.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Brandon University - List of 2009/2010 Scholarships

For a detailed list of what scholarships/bursaries are available at Brandon University for 2009/2010, please visit (list will be in PDF form): click here.

Be sure to read the required documents carefully!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scholarships for Transfer Students - University of New Brunswick

Rare opportunity! Transfer students may be eligible for scholarship support if they are transferring to UNB in their first undergraduate degree program with good grades from another Canadian post-secondary institution. No application is necessary. Students must be accepted to the degree program by June 1 and scholarships are awarded pending available funding. (The sooner would be better, since funding is limited.)

Transfer students may be considered for scholarship support after they have completed 24 credit hours at UNB and have achieved good grades. At that point, please apply for scholarship support through your eServices.

Click here for a list of FAQs!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Industrial Innovation Scholarships Program

Master’s Level
Value $7,000 per year from NSERC, $7,000 per year from FQRNT, for a maximum of two years, plus a company contribution of at least $7,000 per year
Application Deadline No NSERC or FQRNT deadline (there may be university deadlines)

Doctoral Level
Value $9,000 per year from NSERC, $9,000 per year from FQRNT, for a maximum of three years, plus a minimum company contribution of $9,000 per year
Application Deadline No NSERC or FQRNT deadline (there may be university deadlines)

What kind of support do these scholarships provide?
The Industrial Innovation Scholarships (IIS) Program, offered jointly by NSERC and the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies (FQRNT), offers financial assistance to students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program and interested in undertaking research in natural sciences and engineering, through a university-business partnership.

Note: Foreign students may apply for an IIS as of September 1, 2008.

Click here for complete info.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fairleigh Dickinson University - Vancouver

Generous scholarships — ranging from $2,700 to $13,500 USD per academic year — will be competitively awarded to academically talented applicants from around the world. Scholarships may be awarded to students who have the equivalent of a 3.00 or higher secondary school grade point average and a TOEFL score of at least 550. Students who submit scores from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) may be eligible for higher scholarships. All scholarships are renewable annually, for the life of a student’s program, based on continued academic performance (maintaining a 3.00 GPA or higher).

Click here to read more.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

English Language Institute Seneca College

Grandmaple Award of Excellence

Donated by Ms. Lisa Song, (funded by Grandland International Consulting Inc. and Beijing Oriental Human Resources Development Company Limited), this award of $1000 will be offered once per year to one international visa student from the People's Republic of China. The recipient, who must be a fulltime ELI student at Seneca College, will be selected on the basis of the highest GPA in a graduating Level 8 English Language Institute class.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

tenure-stream position at the rank of Assistant Professor - Ryerson University

Deadline to Apply:
Friday February 27, 2009

Applications are invited for one tenure-stream position at the rank of Assistant Professor, commencing August 1, 2009 subject to budgetary approval. In addition to demonstrating an active research agenda with the promise of scholarly productivity, and excellence in undergraduate teaching, the successful candidate will assume primary responsibility for the administration of a unique partnership between the Department of Politics and Public Administration and the First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) through which Ryerson’s undergraduate program in Public Administration and Governance is delivered to Aboriginal administrators in many locations throughout Ontario.

To be considered, candidates should have a doctorate with a focus on Aboriginal studies, governance, policy or law; Canadian or Comparative Politics; or Public Administration. ABDs will be considered if completion of the doctorate occurs prior to December 31, 2009. Applications from candidates with a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of Aboriginal culture, policy, administration, and governmental relations are particularly encouraged.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a recent article-length writing sample, a 1-2 page research plan, a 1-2 page statement of teaching philosophy, results of teaching surveys (or equivalent evidence), evidence of administrative ability, and three reference letters, by February 27, 2009, to: Dr. Neil Thomlinson, Chair, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street JOR728, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3. Please note that faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted.

Ryerson University has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. Members of designated groups are encouraged to self-identify. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bruce Hill International Award - Georgian College

Award Value: $500.00
Number of Award Recipients: 2
Campus Location: Any

Academic Area: Any

Program: Any

Level of Study: Post Graduate

Group: International student
Eligibility: Presented to two International students (one female, one male) in either second or third year of study in any two or three year post secondary diploma program OR in their second or third semester of a post graduate program at Georgian College. The recipients have made an outstanding contribution to campus life through participation in college and/or community activities. Although these awards are based on non-academic criteria, the recipients must be in good academic standing (i.e. have passed all their courses).
Application Method: Application
Application Deadline: April 1

Supporting Documents Required: Read and sign consent form
Complete application form
Cover Letter
Recent grade report (copy acceptable)
Copy of your resume

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trent Intl. Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards - Trent University

Trent International Full Scholarships

Criteria: Based on outstanding academic achievement, community and/or international service, excellent record of extra-curricular activities and leadership, as well as an assessment of financial need.

Value: Approximately CDN$25,000 per academic year (8 months).

Covers international tuition and ancillary fees. Depending on need, may also include books, health insurance, room and board (for the eight-month academic year, Sept- April) and/or living expenses.

Quantity: 3-5

Click here to read more.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Assistant Professor - tenure track Accounting - University of New Brunswick

The University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), Fredericton, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Accounting. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will take effect July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as possible. This position is subject to budgetary approval.

Applicants must have a PhD or DBA in Accounting or in a related field. ABDs with an expected completion date of August 2009 will also be considered. A demonstrated record of research or the potential for the same is required. Teaching assignments will be at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Please click here to read more about this position.

Undergraduate Academic Achievement Scholarships - Saint Mary's University

If you are a Saint Mary’s student who meets the requirements detailed below, you will automatically be eligible for an Undergraduate Academic Achievement Scholarship. No application form is required for this scholarship; students meeting these requirements will be notified by letter each fall.

Basis of Award: Students must achieve Dean’s List Academic Standing (G.P.A. of 3.67+) and must have completed 30 credit hours in the preceding 12 month period of study running from July 1 to June 30.

Special Conditions: All courses within this time frame are used for G.P.A. calculations. Successful recipients must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree and must be registered as full-time (18 credit hours or more) at Saint Mary’s University in the following academic year. Students must also maintain and complete these credit hours. Students who withdraw or complete their studies after one semester will receive one half of their scholarship. Students are responsible for ensuring that all academic information pertaining to this award appears on their transcript by July 25. For additional information please refer to Saint Mary’s Academic Calendar, or contact the Financial Aid & Awards Office.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The International Student Humanitarian Award - University of British Columbia (UBC)

The International Student Humanitarian Award (ISHA) is given to students entering UBC directly from secondary school, who have demonstrated academic achievement in circumstances requiring exceptional perseverance. Nominations are accepted from secondary schools and from international community-based and non-governmental organizations. The value of the award will reflect total student need.

Winners of the ISHA demonstrate high academic achievement in notably unfavourable circumstances.

Click here to learn more about this award.

International Leader of Tomorrow Award - University of British Columbia (UBC)

The International Leader of Tomorrow Award (ILOT) is given to outstanding secondary school students who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and leadership potential, and who would be unable to attend UBC without financial support. Awards are by nomination only, and only one student may be nominated by each school or institution. Awards range in value depending on student need.

Click here to learn more

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bell Scholarship 2009/2010 - Mount Allison University

Six Awards of $12,000 and Five Awards of $9,000 Per Academic Year for 2009/2010

Established in 2002 as the premier entrance scholarship at Mount A, the Bell Scholarship celebrates students who have demonstrated strong academic ability, leadership potential, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, work experience, and good citizenship.

Applicants who wish to be considered for this prestigious scholarship must ensure that the required documentation has been received by MARCH 15th.

Click here to learn more about this prestigious scholarship!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tenure - Assistant Professor - Systems Biology - University of Toronto

Job Field: Tenure Stream

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Arts and Science

Department: Cell & Systems Biology

Campus: St. George (downtown Toronto)

Job Posting: 03/Oct/08

Closing Date: 31/Jan/09


The Department of Cell & Systems Biology at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure track faculty position to be appointed at the Assistant Professor level in the field of Systems Biology to begin July 1, 2009.

We particularly encourage applications from candidates who have demonstrated excellence in addressing fundamental questions in biology using high-throughput approaches or gene/protein network analyses with bioinformatic, genomic, proteomic, or imaging tools. Our vision is to advance systems biology-based research, with a specific interests in developing expertise in systems neurobiology, but we welcome applicants from all others areas of systems biology which complement existing strengths in the department.

Candidates should have at least two years of research experience beyond their doctoral degree. In addition to pursuing a vigorous, internationally-recognized research program, the successful candidate will contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching in the molecular life sciences. The successful candidate would also be expected to network with researchers university-wide to take advantage of the extensive resources in systems biology at the University of Toronto and its affiliated institutions. A generous start-up package will be provided. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

We encourage qualified applicants to submit their applications by clicking on the link below.

Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, copies of significant publications, and statements of research and teaching interests. Applicants should also arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent directly to:

Professor Daphne Goring, Chair,
Department of Cell & Systems Biology,
University of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5,

or by email to by January 31, 2009.

For more information about the Department of Cell and Systems Biology, please visit our home page

BMO Financial Group Diversity Scholarships - Ryerson University

The BMO Financial Group’s philanthropic investments include a variety of educational initiatives. They are committed to providing programs needed to benefit the broader community. The BMO Financial Group Diversity Scholarships at Ryerson University will provide enhanced access to post-secondary education for traditionally underrepresented groups including women, visible minorities, international students, students with disabilities and aboriginal students.

There will be a total of 19 awards offered to students officially enrolled in a four-year undergraduate degree program.

Click here to learn more.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

St. Clair College Scholarship Listing @ School of Business and Information Technology

Scholarships Listing @ School of Business and Information Technology - St. Clair College, Ontario, Canada.

Click here for the complete listing!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor - Physiology

The Division of Medical Sciences at the University of Victoria (UVic), in collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC), invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position in Physiology at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research addresses questions in the areas of cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology. A demonstrated research potential and a commitment to establishing a successful research program are required. Primary teaching responsibilities of the successful candidate will be to support the Island Medical Program and its medical students through classroom and laboratory teaching, and student mentoring and assessment. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree and postdoctoral experience as well as demonstrated experience in teaching.
The primary appointment for this position will be to the Division of Medical Sciences at UVic, with an affiliate appointment to the Faculty of Medicine at UBC.

Click here to read more.

Entrance Scholarships - University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Entrance Scholarships

Scholarships of $20,000, payable at $5000 per year, are awarded to academically outstanding international undergraduate students entering the University of Victoria. If a student maintains a grade point average of 7.50 or higher, the scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of a student’s full time study (12 or more units) until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls between 7.00 and 7.49 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for renewal of the scholarship. No renewal is considered if the student’s grade point average falls below 7.00. Once students have completed one full session (8 months) at the University of Victoria, further financial assistance may be available. International students should not depend on scholarships and bursaries to pay all their costs while in university. Please note that scholarship funding is limited and highly competitive.

International students must be admitted to the University and have their student visa in place before being considered for this award. In addition, international students must maintain their student visa status over the four year period.

In Course Scholarships

In order to be eligible for In-Course Scholarships, international students must have attended at least one academic year at UVic. The majority of in-course scholarships range from $25 to $2,500 and are awarded to students with top marks. The number of students who are awarded a scholarship, and the amount they receive, is dependent upon the academic performance of the applicant pool. The process is competitive. There is no need to apply for In-Course Scholarships unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Reference.

Click here to read more.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Four Positions) - Simon Fraser University

The School of Engineering Sciences at Simon Fraser University is seeking outstanding candidates for four tenure track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor for its newly developed program in Mechatronic Systems Engineering (MSE). As of Fall 2007, the School has been offering graduate as well as a Co-op based undergraduate degree programs in MSE at SFU’s newest campus in Surrey. The areas of specific interest for this search are:
1) Thermo-Fluid - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to microfluidics; fluid/computational fluid dynamics; (micro scale) fuel cells; advanced energy systems and transport; microscale heat transfer; thermo-electric energy conversion; heat and mass transfer

2) Mechatronic Systems and Devices - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to sensors and actuators; smart materials and structures; modeling and control of mechatronic systems; medical device design and development; rehabilitation devices; and mechanical micro-devices

3) Mechanical/Mechatronic Design - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to smart mechanism design; computer aided product design; eco-design; design optimization; intelligent design; serviceability & reliability design; rapid prototyping; manufacturing and rapid tool generation; fabrication, testing, and evaluation of mechanical systems

4) Power Electronics with interests in application of embedded and real time systems to motor drives and power control—for this area, the ideal candidate will also have research interests in a number of the following subareas: DSP-based power electronics; motor and adjustable speed drives; development of novel power converters and control strategies; electric machines and actuators; electric and hybrid vehicles; alternative energy and energy storage systems; biomechanical energy conversion; energy harvesting; and hybrid energy source systems.

Click here to read more.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

International Leader of Tomorrow Award - University of British Columbia

UBC attracts talented secondary and post-secondary students from around the world. We honour the achievements of our incoming international students through the International Leader of Tomorrow (ILOT) program. These awards assist outstanding international students who do not have the economic means to study at the post-secondary level. The awards range in value from $14,000 to $34,000 (CAD), depending on financial need.

To date, students from 45 different countries have studied at UBC as ILOT award winners.

Please click here for more information: click here

Sunday, January 11, 2009

University of Guelph - International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarhips

Internationalism is a big part of our Guelph community and we have an entrance scholarship program to support international students who have demonstrated academic excellence. A limited number of non-renewable international scholarships ranging in value from $500 to $6,000 CDN are available to students that have not attended post-secondary studies and are entering the University of Guelph in September. Students do not need to apply to be considered as offers will be made on the basis of the students admission file as well as reference letters.

Non-Canadian citizens or non-permanent residents entering post-secondary studies for the first time and registering in the first semester of a degree program in the fall semester.
Exception: An International Student studying at a Canadian high school is only considered for a University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship.

My Responsibilities
Submit an application for admission.
Ensure that my admission application is complete and all documents are received by the University of Guelph no later than March 1.
Complete the Student Profile form ensuring to list extra-curricular activities.

University's Responsibilities
Review your admission application, test scores (if applicable), academic achievements, reference letters and the Student Profile Form. Successful recipients will be mailed a letter providing scholarship details.

Click this link for more info

Niagara College Tuition Scholarships for International Students

Niagara College is pleased to announce a $150,000 international scholarship fund for the upcoming school year.

Who is Eligible for a scholarship?
Any qualified international student who is currently in Canada on a student visa, studying at another school and applies to enter one of the eligible programs.

How much is the scholarship?
Eligible students will receive up to $2000 Cdn. towards their first year's tuition.

What Programs are eligible for a Scholarship?
Bachelor of Applied Business - Hospitality Operations Management
Bachelor of Applied Business - International Commerce and Global Development
Business Administration - Marketing (Co-op)
Business Administration - Operations Management (Co-op)
Business Administration - Accounting (Co-op)
Business Administration - Human Resources Management (Co-op)
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmer Analyst (Co-op)
Computer Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Electrical Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Electronics Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Hospitality and Tourism Management Systems (Graduate Certificate)

How will I know if I am awarded a scholarship?
Once you apply for both your program and scholarship, you will receive a letter of acceptance for the program and a scholarship offer. Scholarship offers are limited, so you should apply early. All students who qualify will receive scholarship offers.

Visit the following link to learn more:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pacific Leaders Graduate Student Fellowships

The Pacific Leaders Graduate Student Fellowship will attract top-quality researchers to the B.C. Public Service while producing research to address key issues facing British Columbia. The fellowships support graduate students whose areas of research are relevant to the future of the province.

  • Pacific Leaders fellows will receive $20,000 per year for each year of graduate studies up to two years, with up to 20 fellows chosen each year.
  • This award is intended for students in the final full-time year, or the last two full-time years of either a master’s or doctorate degree. Fellows are expected to be employed by the government soon after they finish their degrees.
  • Applicants must have at least an A-minus average in each of their most recent two years of full-time study and show potential to develop as excellent researchers or analysts.
  • Their research and findings must be available for the use of the B.C. government, and students applying for fellowships must show how their research is relevant to government.
  • Once students complete their graduate degrees, they must work one year for the B.C. Public Service for every year of graduate studies funded through the fellowship.
  • Areas of focus will be related to government’s priorities in areas of current and future skills shortage and/or immediate research needs.
  • Fellowships are available to students in either master’s or doctoral studies. Professional programs or “applied” or “executive” graduate degrees are not included, as these graduate programs have smaller research components.
Visit the following link for more info:

Ambassadorial Scholarships - Rotary International

The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors several types of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country.

Generous contributions from Rotarians worldwide represent a continued faith that today’s Ambassadorial Scholars will be tomorrow's community and world leaders.

Click here for further information regarding application

Fraser Institute Student Essay Contest

Sponsored by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy

1st Prize: $1,000
2nd Prize: $500
High school category: $250

Economic Freedom and Global Prosperity
An increasingly large body of research demonstrates a positive relationship between economic freedom and prosperity. What are the determining factors in this relationship? Is economic freedom the most effective way to pull a nation out of extreme poverty?

Choose one or more of the five component areas of the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report as a case study, and examine the reasons why reform to a nation’s institutions may lead to greater economic growth. Use existing research, economic analysis, and specific examples to support your argument.

The five areas of the index are:
Size of Government: Expenditures, Taxes, and Enterprises
Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights
Access to Sound Money
Freedom to Trade Internationally
Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business

The Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World research, including the annual report, a sample of papers using the index, and other information is available at, and will serve as a useful starting point for essay research. Students are strongly encouraged to use sources external to the Fraser Institute in their preparation of the essay.

Click here for complete details.