Monday, September 6, 2010
Canfor Annual Graduate Scholarship - University of Northern British Columbia
Canfor Corporation is a leading integrated forest products company with strong roots in Northern British Columbia. As the largest BC producer of softwood lumber anf through its 50% ownership of CPLP Income Fund one of the largest market pulp producers in Canada, Canfor is committed to fostering growth and strengthening the communities that we call "home". the Confor Annual Awards commemorate Canfor's support of the university of Northern British Columbia and its students. They are awarded to students in recognition of academic excellence. it is Canfor's hope that these students will put their talents to work in communities throughout northern British Columbia.
Donor: Canfor Corporation
Value: $4,500
Number: One
Eligibility: Candidates must meet UNBC admission, enrolment and full-time attendance requirements in a UNBC Graduate Program. Candidates may be enroled in any program, but will be researching a public policy issue of particular relevance to residents and communities of northern BC. Successful candidates will have produced a research proposal/statement of research topic consistent with the values of Canfor Corporation.
Criteria: Academic excellence. Awarding of this scholarship will be based on the format used by NSERC and SSHRC for which the candidate's academic achievement, research proposal/statement of research topic, and references are reviewed.
Application Instructions: Candidates must include information on their research proposal/statement with their application.
Note: Selection of the recipient will be made by a committee chaired by Associate Dean of Graduate Programs. Recipients of these awards are ineligible for receipt of the Canfor Legacy Endowed Scholarships and Bursaries and vice versa.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The BMO Financial Group Diversity Scholarships at Ryerson University
There will be a total of up to 15 scholarships offered to students officially enrolled in a four-year full-time undergraduate degree program.
■ must be from traditionally underrepresented groups including women, visible minorities, international students, students with disabilities and aboriginal students
■ officially enrolled in a four-year full-time undergraduate degree program
■ students entering 1st year with a minimum average of 80% in 6 U/M credits or equivalent will be considered for a $1000 scholarship – Deadline: October 1. Scholarships will be issued at the end of November.
■ students entering 1st year with a minimum average of 85% in 6 U/M credits or equivalent will be considered for a $2500 scholarship – Deadline: October 1. Scholarships will be issued at the end of November.
■ students currently enrolled in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average will be considered for a $1000 scholarship – Deadline: March 1. All scholarships awarded will be deposited directly to students’ tuition fees, for the following academic year.
■ students currently enrolled in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year with a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average will be considered for a $2500 scholarship – Deadline: March 1. All scholarships awarded will be deposited directly to students’ tuition fees, for the following academic year.
■ demonstrated financial need reflected in the Budget Form submitted
■ submission of a personal letter (750 words or less) which describes both successes and challenges experienced while pursuing a postsecondary education and the importance of receiving this scholarship
Submit letter, completed budget form and signed FIPPA statement to:
Student Financial Assistance Office, Basement Podium Building, POD 59
Deadlines: For students entering first-year: October 1
For students currently in first, second and third year: March 1
Questions? Please email: awards@ryerson.ca
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
ESL Student Scholarship - Capilano University
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fiona Candy Award - Simon Fraser University (SFU)
($2,000; CGPA 2.00)
Awarded annually to an international undergraduate student in any faculty in good academic standing who has overcome personal adversity and/or bureaucratic difficulties in the pursuit of their education. Application packages must include a letter from the candidate outlining their adverse circumstances. The award will be granted upon the completion of the last term at Simon Fraser University to obtain an undergraduate degree. Students graduating in Spring and Summer will be considered for this award.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Fellowships - Master of Science (Management) - University of Lethbridge
Graduate Fellowships available for Canadian Residents (value of $9,600) and International students (value of $19,200)
A fall graduate fellowship is awarded to each MSc (Management) candidate who is registered in the orientation and integrative management studies modules. The fellowship is distributed to eligible candidates in equal monthly payments from September through December. The fellowship awards are C$3,200 for students with Canadian citizenship and C$6,400 for international students.
A spring graduate fellowship is awarded to each MSc (Management) candidate who is good academic standing at the end of the Integrative Management Studies Module and who is registered in the major Studies Module. The fellowship is distributed to eligible candidates in equal monthly payments from January through April. The fellowship awards are C$3,200 for students with Canadian citizenship and C$6,400 for international students.
A summer research fellowship of $3,200 ($6,400 for international students) is awarded to each M.Sc. (Management) candidate who is in good academic standing at the end of the Major Studies Module and who is registered in the Master's Project Module. The fellowship is distributed to eligible candidates in equal monthly payments from May through August. Eligible students normally cannot accept any other form of paid employment during the master's project module, running from 1 May to 31 August.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
University of Ontario Institute of Technology's (UOIT) - Global Leadership Award
International applicants currently studying full-time at a high school outside of Canada are eligible to apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is one of he University of Ontario Institute of Technology's (UOIT) most prestigious entrance awards. The recipients of this award will be academically outstanding and have made notable contributions in extracurricular or community activities.
Global Leadership Award: $45,920 ($11,480 per year over four years) One awarded annually.
• Nominated by high school. Only one candidate per school will be considered for this award.
• An excellent academic record ("A" average or equivalent)
• Personal leadership activities: e.g. excellence in extracurricular activities beyond academic requirements
and/or significant contributions to community or family
• Undergraduates studying towards their first university degree
• High school applicants currently studying outside of Canada only
• Non-Canadian residents only
To qualify for renewal of these awards, students must maintain an average of 80% or 3.7 GPA on a full-time course load (as per UOIT's grading scale).
Details regarding the requirements for this award are available on the Global Leadership Award Application Form . The completed scholarship form must be submitted no later than February 26, 2010 to the:
UOIT Registrar's office
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON Canada L1H 7K4
Thursday, January 28, 2010
International Student Merit Scholarships - Ryerson University
Seven (7) Scholarships Available
Deadline to Apply: April 1, 2010
Who’s Eligible?
International applicants entering year one of a full-time, four-year undergraduate degree program
at Ryerson in Fall 2010. Applicants must meet the following criteria and will be considered on a
competitive basis:
A) Enrolling in a post-secondary institution for the first time and have completed an application to Ryerson, via the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) by April 1, 2010.
B) Resident in Canada and currently enrolled (full-time) in Grade 12 in a Canadian secondary school with Study Permit authorization.
C) Currently enrolled (full-time) in the final year of an out-of-country secondary school (or
equivalent) and entering Canada with Study Permit authorization. Applicants must achieve firstclass standing in the country-specific equivalent of the Ontario Grade 12U program.
- 7 International Student Merit Scholarships, valued at $5,000 each, will be awarded across all
programs on a grades-competitive basis starting at 85% or equivalent (final admission average).
- International students who have attended a post-secondary institution (university or college) are not eligible for International Student Merit Scholarships.
- International students must have a valid Canadian Study Permit by the time they register in courses at Ryerson and must maintain their International Student (Study Permit) status for the entirety of their first year of studies (fall and winter semesters) in order to receive and retain their scholarship.
A scholarship application is required. International Student Merit Scholarships will be awarded to the overall best-qualified applicants. Decisions of the selection committee are final.
See also: Terms and Conditions for All Entrance Scholarships.
Completed application forms should be mailed or faxed to:
International Student Merit Scholarship Committee
Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment
Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3
Fax: 416-979-5221
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sheridan College - Student Union's International Student Leadership Award
SSU's International Student Leadership Award
Sheridan is proud of the commitment our students show towards their education and future careers. Through the generosity of the Sheridan Student Union (SSU) $5,000 has been allocated to recognize current international students' academic and community achievements.
Last year, International Student Union Leadership Scholarships were awarded to international students who held high academic standing and exemplifiedstrong leadership qualities. Leadership can be demonstrated through commitment to Sheridan community clubs or events such as Shinerama, orientation, volunteering initiatives (peer mentoring, fundraising etc.), athletics or any type or Student Union involvement.
Each year, the top international students will be invited to apply for these awards. All applicants and recipients of the Student Union's International Student Leadership Award will be notified through the Awards Office.
Eligibility criteria include:
- International full time registered student status
- A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5
- Demonstrated leadership skills on campus
For more information about this special award, please contact Vanessa Bailey Phillips in the Awards Office at 905-845-9430 ext. 2444
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Loyalist College International Student Scholarship
Registered as International student and demonstrate financial need. Academic restrictions
apply to second installment. Students receive $500 in both the fall and winter semesters.
Contact International Advisor, at international@loyalistc.on.ca or (613) 969-1913 ext.
2146 for more information and application.
Amount: $1,000
Number of Awards: 5
Deadline: contact International Committee Selection - International Center Loyalist College
Monday, January 25, 2010
Graduate Studies Funding - Lakehead University - Thunder Bay
Type of Funding: Award
Program Level
Value: $2,500
Must include a one page proposal which includes the following information:
◦Graduate program(s) involved
◦Name(s) of participating faculty and students involved
◦Contact person and contact information
◦Detailed Budget
◦Outline of the event, lecture or performance. Highlight how it raises awareness of graduate culture in the community and how it improves the quality of that diverse culture within the University
Although there are no specific prescriptions regarding the kind of proposals being sought, preference will be given to projects that are:
◦collaborations involving faculty members and graduate students
◦an event, lecture or performance that raises awareness of graduate culture in the community and improves the quality of that diverse culture within the University
Faculty of Graduate Studies Deadline: November
All application documentation must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
GradStudies@Lakehead is a funding opportunity for faculty and graduate students to work together to improve the quality of graduate culture at Lakehead University.
This award is not intended to support individual research projects.
The value of this award varies. Maximum amount allotted is $2,500.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
University of Guelph - International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship.
University of Guelph - International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship.
Non-Canadian citizens or non-permanent residents entering post-secondary studies for the first time and registering in the first semester of a degree program in the fall semester.
My Responsibilities
- Submit an application for admission.
- Ensure that my admission application is complete and all documents are received by the University of Guelph no later than March 1.
- Complete the Student Profile form ensuring to list extra-curricular activities.
University's Responsibilities
Review your admission application, test scores (if applicable), academic achievements, reference letters and the Student Profile Form. Successful recipients will be mailed a letter providing scholarship details.
Internationalism is a big part of our Guelph community and we have an entrance scholarship program to support international students who have demonstrated academic excellence. A limited number of non-renewable international scholarships ranging in value from $500 to $6,000 CDN are available to students that have not attended post-secondary studies and are entering the University of Guelph in September. Students do not need to apply to be considered as offers will be made on the basis of the students admission file as well as reference letters. Students are encouraged to complete the Student Profile Form.Saturday, January 23, 2010
International Student Renewable Entrance Scholarship - University of Saskatchewan
Value: $45,000 ($15,000 in Year 1, renewable at $10,000/year for Years 2, 3 and 4)
Number: 2
Eligibility: Open to International students entering any direct-entry college of the University of Saskatchewan. Scholarships are transferable between U of S colleges.
* Academic achievement
* Demonstrated leadership
* Contributions to school and community life
Donor: University of Saskatchewan, through the International Student Awards Fund.
Other: Students will be eligible to have their award renewed for an additional three years, provided they meet the following criteria:
* have successfully completed a minimum of 24 credit units during the previous Fall and Winter terms;
* have maintained an average of at least 75% on all credit units attempted during the previous Fall and Winter terms.
If in any given year a recipient fails to meet the renewal criteria, he/she will not be eligible for consideration for the scholarship in any subsequent year.
Recipients will be guaranteed a spot in a U of S residence.
Deadline: April 1
Friday, January 22, 2010
Canada Europe Awards
Understanding Canada - Canadian Studies
Canada Europe Awards
This award will support scholars in universities or research institutes in the European countries to undertake short term research, including collaborative research, contributing to the understanding of bilateral and multilateral relations between Canada and the countries of the European countries. The award will assist with direct costs related to the research project, and, when a research trip to Canada is warranted, will provide assistance towards international airfare and a weekly flat rate allowance for a period not exceeding five weeks.
Awards may be granted for:
- Research projects related to Canada and Europe relations, either with the region as a whole, or any part thereof. Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies course development we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development and Prosperity, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security.
- Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary studies; or
- Comparative studies with substantial Canadian content (33% or more);
Priority may be given to projects, which relate Canada’s foreign policy; or contemporary situations and issues which illuminate options for future developments; or which focus on Canada’s bilateral relations.
(Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc. which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).
Awards will be available to scholars and researchers from all European countries. Applications are to be submitted by the designated principal researcher, with the official endorsement of his/her institution.
The Canada-Europe Award will consist of a grant in the amount of up to CAD $10,000, based on the analysis of the proposed budget needed to do the research. It is expected that more than one award will be offered annually. Successful candidates will not be able to make a new application until they demonstrate that they have fulfilled the terms and conditions of their previous award.
With the official endorsement of his/her institution, and having constituted a research team, the designated principal researcher should submit an application to the local Canadian Mission in his/her home country, by the November 24 deadline.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
St. Francis Xavier University - International Scholarships
Based on academic achievement in the student’s country of origin. Renewable for four years at $6,000 per year.
For application details on any of the above, please contact the Admissions Office:
Email admit@stfx.ca
Telephone 902-867-2219
Fax 902-867-2329
The Admissions Office
St. Francis Xavier University
PO Box 5000
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2W5
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship
(1) an annual stipend of $40,000, which is intended to cover the cost of tuition and reasonable living expenses. If a Trudeau Scholar concurrently holds other scholarships or fellowships that allow for the accumulation of awards, and if the total value of those external awards exceeds $10,000, the Foundation will subtract the amount over $10,000 from the $40,000 annual stipend.
(2) an annual travel allowance of $20,000, which is available to support research-related travel and to cover networking expenses associated with the Foundation's Public Interaction program
Far beyond a financial assistance, the Trudeau Scholarship offers award winners the opportunity to interact with an exciting community of leaders and committed individuals in every field of the social sciences and humanities.
Since the beginning of the program in 2003, the Foundation has awarded 100 Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships.
Selection Criteria and Guidelines
The assessment of nominees for Trudeau Scholarships focuses on the following criteria:
(1) academic achievement at the level of the most competitive scholarship programs worldwide;
(2) an outstanding ability to engage in lively exchange with other researchers and scholars; and
(3) the intention to work in an area related to one or more of the four themes of the Foundation, and a desire to contribute to public dialogue around those themes.
Selection Process
Trudeau Scholars are selected through a process that involves nomination by a university, internal and external review and selection panels, an interview, and the formal approval of the Board of Directors.
The Scholars are announced each year during the month of June.
For further information about the Scholarship Program, visit the Foundation's website.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The One World International Scholarship
The One World Scholarship program provides up to 10 scholarships of $10,000 each annually to students from a designated country wishing to pursue post-secondary studies in B.C. (8 for undergraduate degree programs and 2 for diploma/certificate programs). For the 2008/09 and the 2009/10 academic years, the scholarship will be available to students from the People's Republic of China (PRC) who are enrolling in an undergraduate or diploma/certificate program in a public post-secondary educational institution in BC.
Designed to strengthen ties between B.C. and other regions of the world, the One World Scholarship for study in B.C. helps to build international partnerships.
Currently available to students from the People's Republic of China, the One World Scholarship program provides up to 10 scholarships of $10,000 each annually to students from a designated country wishing to pursue post-secondary studies in B.C.
Students apply to the institution they are planning to attend for these scholarships.
The One World International Scholarship is designed to strengthen ties between British Columbia and other regions of the world through sustainable educational partnerships. Every two years, the Irving K. Barber BC Scholarship Society reviews the country or region of the world to be the recipient of the One World Scholarship.
For the 2008/09 and the 2009/10 academic years, the scholarship will be available to students from the People's Republic of China (PRC) who are enrolling in an undergraduate or diploma/certificate program in a public post-secondary educational institution in BC.
Completed applications and supporting documentation must be received in the financial aid office at the institution you are applying to no later than April 1.
Please consult your institution's One World Representative with any questions on this scholarship program.
Friday, January 15, 2010
DAAD RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) Professional
Amount: $3,100
Deadline: Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Level of Study: Bachelor; Master; Doctorate;
Field(s) of Study: Biology/Biological Sciences, General, Chemistry, General, Engineering, General, Geology/Earth Science, General, Physics, General
Year of Study: Entering or in second year, Entering or in third year, Entering or in fourth year
Course Load: Full-time or Part-time
Region of Study: Germany
For more info, contact DAAD Canada
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Co-op Student of the Year Awards - University of Northern British Columbia
Provided By: University of Northern British Columbia
Number Available: 3
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2010
Donor: Co-operative Education
Level of Study: Bachelor;
Program: Co-op;
Field(s) of Study: Any Field of Study
Year of Study: All Years
Course Load: Full-time
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Caline Artists International Music Award - Vancouver Island University
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2010
Level of Study: Diploma; Bachelor;
Field(s) of Study: Music Performance, General
Year of Study: All Years
Course Load: Full-time
1 award, $1,000; Available to students in the music program who are pursuing a career in music performance. Selection will be based on academic achievement. Apply to Financial Aid & Awards office by January 15. Funds issued in March.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
A Vanier CGS is valued at $50,000 per year for up to three years.
Canada is building world-class research capacity by recruiting top-tier doctoral students, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to our economic, social and research-based growth for a prosperous future. To promote this world-class excellence, the Government of Canada has created the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program. Once in full operation, this program will support 500 international and Canadian doctoral students with highly prestigious scholarships.
The Vanier CGS program reaffirms Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and education. The program supports Canada’s science and technology policy direction, which capitalizes on people, strengthens knowledge and encourages entrepreneurial advantages to build a competitive Canada.
The scholarships are administered by Canada's three federal granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
The Vanier CGS program aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health. Canadian and international students are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier CGS.
Students wishing to apply for a Vanier CGS must do so through the Canadian university to which they are applying for doctoral studies. Based on their allocations, universities will forward a limited number of nominations to the appropriate federal research granting agency— CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC.
Value and Duration
A Vanier CGS is valued at $50,000 per year for up to three years.
When can the award be taken up?
Award recipients must take their award up in the first semester (May or September) following the announcement of results if they:
* have already undertaken their doctoral program of study at the Canadian nominating university; or
* have already undertaken a doctoral program of study at a Canadian university and will be transferring to a doctoral program at the Canadian nominating university.
Award recipients can take their award up in May, September or January following the announcement of results if they:
* have not yet started a doctoral program of study; or
* will transfer from a doctoral program at an international university to a doctoral program at the Canadian nominating university.
Application deadline
Without exception, all nominations from Canadian universities must be submitted via ResearchNet and received by the federal research granting agencies by November 6, 2009. Late or incomplete nominations will not be considered.
To be considered for a Vanier CGS, you must:
* be nominated by only one Canadian university, which must have received a Vanier CGS allocation;
* intend to pursue, in the summer semester or the academic year following the announcement of results, full-time graduate studies and research at an eligible Canadian university at the doctoral level in the social sciences or humanities (where combined MA/PhD programs may also be eligible), the natural sciences or engineering, or a health-related field (where combined MD/PhD programs may also be eligible);
* not intend to pursue a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees;
* have completed between zero and 20 months of doctoral studies as of May 1 following the announcement of results (see Notes below);
* be seeking financial support to pursue your first doctoral degree (or combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD);
* have achieved a first-class average, as determined by your university, in each of the last two years of full-time study or equivalent (see Notes below); and
* not have already received a scholarship or fellowship from SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR to undertake or complete a doctoral degree or combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD.
For more information, click on the following link.
Monday, January 11, 2010
New Universal Entrance Scholarship - St. Clair College, Ontario
Amount: $1,000
Level of Study: Certificate; Diploma; Bachelor;
Field(s) of Study: Any Field of Study
Year of Study: Entering or in first year
Course Load: Full-time
Awarded to all newly enrolled international or visa students in post secondary programs. A $500.00 tuition reimbursement payment will be made at the end of the student’s first and third semester. Students must maintain full-time academic status and a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Contact Information:
You will automatically be considered for this scholarship/bursary when you apply to the school.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Latin American Scholarship - Centennial College
Provided By: Centennial College
Amount: $1,000
Type of Award: Scholarship
Renewable: No
Level of Study: Certificate; Diploma; Bachelor;
Field(s) of Study: Any Field of Study
Year of Study: Entering or in first year
Course Load: Full-time
Region of Study: Ontario
Region of Residence: International or Visa Student
Financial Need: Yes
Automatic Consideration: No
Awarded to selected enrolled students in post-secondary programs. A $500.00 tuition/semester reimbursement payment will be made at the end of the student’s first and second semester. Students must maintain full-time academic status and a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Contact Information:
Contact Name: Melida Renkwitz
Title: Manager, Latin America-Spain, International Education Centre
Address: Progress Campus, 941 Progress Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
Postal Code: M1G 3T8
Phone: (416) 289-5000 ext 2468
Fax: (416) 289-5352
Website: http://www.centennialcollege.ca/International
Friday, January 8, 2010
The RBC Royal Bank Scholarships for New Canadians or Permanent Residences
What: 12 awards worth $3,500 each
Applications Accepted Starting:
September 15, 2009
Final Deadline for Submissions:
February 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. EST
You may qualify to win an RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for New Canadians provided you meet the following basic eligibility criteria:
You must be a student who:
Is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
Has immigrated to Canada on or after January 1, 1999
Is in your graduating year of a Canadian high school or CEGEP, and who intends to enrol or enter a publicly funded Canadian college or university as a full-time student in Fall 2010
Has achieved at least a 70% average in your previous year of study
You need to be enrolled as a full-time student
For more information click here.