Friday, January 30, 2009
The International Student Humanitarian Award - University of British Columbia (UBC)
Winners of the ISHA demonstrate high academic achievement in notably unfavourable circumstances.
Click here to learn more about this award.
International Leader of Tomorrow Award - University of British Columbia (UBC)
Click here to learn more
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Bell Scholarship 2009/2010 - Mount Allison University
Established in 2002 as the premier entrance scholarship at Mount A, the Bell Scholarship celebrates students who have demonstrated strong academic ability, leadership potential, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, work experience, and good citizenship.
Applicants who wish to be considered for this prestigious scholarship must ensure that the required documentation has been received by MARCH 15th.
Click here to learn more about this prestigious scholarship!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tenure - Assistant Professor - Systems Biology - University of Toronto
Faculty / Division: Faculty of Arts and Science
Department: Cell & Systems Biology
Campus: St. George (downtown Toronto)
Job Posting: 03/Oct/08
Closing Date: 31/Jan/09
The Department of Cell & Systems Biology at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure track faculty position to be appointed at the Assistant Professor level in the field of Systems Biology to begin July 1, 2009.
We particularly encourage applications from candidates who have demonstrated excellence in addressing fundamental questions in biology using high-throughput approaches or gene/protein network analyses with bioinformatic, genomic, proteomic, or imaging tools. Our vision is to advance systems biology-based research, with a specific interests in developing expertise in systems neurobiology, but we welcome applicants from all others areas of systems biology which complement existing strengths in the department.
Candidates should have at least two years of research experience beyond their doctoral degree. In addition to pursuing a vigorous, internationally-recognized research program, the successful candidate will contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching in the molecular life sciences. The successful candidate would also be expected to network with researchers university-wide to take advantage of the extensive resources in systems biology at the University of Toronto and its affiliated institutions. A generous start-up package will be provided. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
We encourage qualified applicants to submit their applications by clicking on the link below.
Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, copies of significant publications, and statements of research and teaching interests. Applicants should also arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent directly to:
Professor Daphne Goring, Chair,
Department of Cell & Systems Biology,
University of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5,
or by email to search@csb.utoronto.ca by January 31, 2009.
For more information about the Department of Cell and Systems Biology, please visit our home page http://www.csb.utoronto.ca/
BMO Financial Group Diversity Scholarships - Ryerson University
The BMO Financial Group’s philanthropic investments include a variety of educational initiatives. They are committed to providing programs needed to benefit the broader community. The BMO Financial Group Diversity Scholarships at Ryerson University will provide enhanced access to post-secondary education for traditionally underrepresented groups including women, visible minorities, international students, students with disabilities and aboriginal students.
There will be a total of 19 awards offered to students officially enrolled in a four-year undergraduate degree program.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
St. Clair College Scholarship Listing @ School of Business and Information Technology
Click here for the complete listing!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Scholarships for BC college transfer students - Simon Fraser University
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor - Physiology
The primary appointment for this position will be to the Division of Medical Sciences at UVic, with an affiliate appointment to the Faculty of Medicine at UBC.
Click here to read more.
Entrance Scholarships - University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Scholarships of $20,000, payable at $5000 per year, are awarded to academically outstanding international undergraduate students entering the University of Victoria. If a student maintains a grade point average of 7.50 or higher, the scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of a student’s full time study (12 or more units) until the completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point average falls between 7.00 and 7.49 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for renewal of the scholarship. No renewal is considered if the student’s grade point average falls below 7.00. Once students have completed one full session (8 months) at the University of Victoria, further financial assistance may be available. International students should not depend on scholarships and bursaries to pay all their costs while in university. Please note that scholarship funding is limited and highly competitive.
International students must be admitted to the University and have their student visa in place before being considered for this award. In addition, international students must maintain their student visa status over the four year period.
In Course Scholarships
In order to be eligible for In-Course Scholarships, international students must have attended at least one academic year at UVic. The majority of in-course scholarships range from $25 to $2,500 and are awarded to students with top marks. The number of students who are awarded a scholarship, and the amount they receive, is dependent upon the academic performance of the applicant pool. The process is competitive. There is no need to apply for In-Course Scholarships unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Reference.
Click here to read more.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Four Positions) - Simon Fraser University
1) Thermo-Fluid - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to microfluidics; fluid/computational fluid dynamics; (micro scale) fuel cells; advanced energy systems and transport; microscale heat transfer; thermo-electric energy conversion; heat and mass transfer
2) Mechatronic Systems and Devices - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to sensors and actuators; smart materials and structures; modeling and control of mechatronic systems; medical device design and development; rehabilitation devices; and mechanical micro-devices
3) Mechanical/Mechatronic Design - Possible areas of interest include but are not limited to smart mechanism design; computer aided product design; eco-design; design optimization; intelligent design; serviceability & reliability design; rapid prototyping; manufacturing and rapid tool generation; fabrication, testing, and evaluation of mechanical systems
4) Power Electronics with interests in application of embedded and real time systems to motor drives and power control—for this area, the ideal candidate will also have research interests in a number of the following subareas: DSP-based power electronics; motor and adjustable speed drives; development of novel power converters and control strategies; electric machines and actuators; electric and hybrid vehicles; alternative energy and energy storage systems; biomechanical energy conversion; energy harvesting; and hybrid energy source systems.
Click here to read more.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
International Leader of Tomorrow Award - University of British Columbia
UBC attracts talented secondary and post-secondary students from around the world. We honour the achievements of our incoming international students through the International Leader of Tomorrow (ILOT) program. These awards assist outstanding international students who do not have the economic means to study at the post-secondary level. The awards range in value from $14,000 to $34,000 (CAD), depending on financial need.
To date, students from 45 different countries have studied at UBC as ILOT award winners.
Please click here for more information: click here
Sunday, January 11, 2009
University of Guelph - International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarhips
Non-Canadian citizens or non-permanent residents entering post-secondary studies for the first time and registering in the first semester of a degree program in the fall semester.
Exception: An International Student studying at a Canadian high school is only considered for a University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship.
My Responsibilities
Submit an application for admission.
Ensure that my admission application is complete and all documents are received by the University of Guelph no later than March 1.
Complete the Student Profile form ensuring to list extra-curricular activities.
University's Responsibilities
Review your admission application, test scores (if applicable), academic achievements, reference letters and the Student Profile Form. Successful recipients will be mailed a letter providing scholarship details.
Click this link for more info
Niagara College Tuition Scholarships for International Students
Who is Eligible for a scholarship?
Any qualified international student who is currently in Canada on a student visa, studying at another school and applies to enter one of the eligible programs.
How much is the scholarship?
Eligible students will receive up to $2000 Cdn. towards their first year's tuition.
What Programs are eligible for a Scholarship?
Bachelor of Applied Business - Hospitality Operations Management
Bachelor of Applied Business - International Commerce and Global Development
Business Administration - Marketing (Co-op)
Business Administration - Operations Management (Co-op)
Business Administration - Accounting (Co-op)
Business Administration - Human Resources Management (Co-op)
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmer Analyst (Co-op)
Computer Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Electrical Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Electronics Engineering Technology (Co-op)
Hospitality and Tourism Management Systems (Graduate Certificate)
How will I know if I am awarded a scholarship?
Once you apply for both your program and scholarship, you will receive a letter of acceptance for the program and a scholarship offer. Scholarship offers are limited, so you should apply early. All students who qualify will receive scholarship offers.
Visit the following link to learn more: http://international.niagaracollege.ca/scholarships/tuition.html
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Pacific Leaders Graduate Student Fellowships
The Pacific Leaders Graduate Student Fellowship will attract top-quality researchers to the B.C. Public Service while producing research to address key issues facing British Columbia. The fellowships support graduate students whose areas of research are relevant to the future of the province.
- Pacific Leaders fellows will receive $20,000 per year for each year of graduate studies up to two years, with up to 20 fellows chosen each year.
- This award is intended for students in the final full-time year, or the last two full-time years of either a master’s or doctorate degree. Fellows are expected to be employed by the government soon after they finish their degrees.
- Applicants must have at least an A-minus average in each of their most recent two years of full-time study and show potential to develop as excellent researchers or analysts.
- Their research and findings must be available for the use of the B.C. government, and students applying for fellowships must show how their research is relevant to government.
- Once students complete their graduate degrees, they must work one year for the B.C. Public Service for every year of graduate studies funded through the fellowship.
- Areas of focus will be related to government’s priorities in areas of current and future skills shortage and/or immediate research needs.
- Fellowships are available to students in either master’s or doctoral studies. Professional programs or “applied” or “executive” graduate degrees are not included, as these graduate programs have smaller research components.
Ambassadorial Scholarships - Rotary International
The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors several types of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country.
Generous contributions from Rotarians worldwide represent a continued faith that today’s Ambassadorial Scholars will be tomorrow's community and world leaders.
Fraser Institute Student Essay Contest
Sponsored by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy
1st Prize: $1,000
2nd Prize: $500
High school category: $250
Economic Freedom and Global Prosperity
An increasingly large body of research demonstrates a positive relationship between economic freedom and prosperity. What are the determining factors in this relationship? Is economic freedom the most effective way to pull a nation out of extreme poverty?
Choose one or more of the five component areas of the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report as a case study, and examine the reasons why reform to a nation’s institutions may lead to greater economic growth. Use existing research, economic analysis, and specific examples to support your argument.
The five areas of the index are:
Size of Government: Expenditures, Taxes, and Enterprises
Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights
Access to Sound Money
Freedom to Trade Internationally
Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business
The Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World research, including the annual report, a sample of papers using the index, and other information is available at http://www.freetheworld.com/, and will serve as a useful starting point for essay research. Students are strongly encouraged to use sources external to the Fraser Institute in their preparation of the essay.
Click here for complete details.